If there was any doubt that Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is batsh*t crazy, that all has been cleared up. In his most recent address to the people of Libya he compares himself to English Queen Elizabeth II and blames the (most likely dead) Taiban leader Osama Bin Laden for inciting the children of Libya to protest. No, no, no he doesn't stop there! He then claims that the uprising is the fault of the parents of the protestors. In a statement to the people he scolds them saying,
"Shame on you, people of Zawiya, control your children,"
The Libyan leader said the more than week-long revolt has been carried out by young men fired up on hallucinogenic pills given to them "in their coffee with milk, like Nescafe".
Oh snap he went there!!! Talking about the parents of your country is one thing, but dissing Nescafe and thus American consumerism. The gloves are off now!
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Legend of Zelda turns 25!
In some much lighter news the epic Nintendo series the Legend of Zelda first got started this day twenty five years ago. The series known for its dungeon diving puzzles and action has consistently pleased fans and won critical acclaim over the years.
The series' newest entry the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is due out later this year for the Nintendo Wii
Iranian Military Ships in the Suez Canal!
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that is the question |
For the first time in 30 years the Iranian navy has sent warships to the Suez Canal. The Canal connects the Red Sea to the waters of the Mediterranean Sea allowing for quick and easy passage rather than having to circle the horn of Africa.
The big deal is that this is yet again another example of military posturing by the aggressive Iranian government. This is nothing new, but it does bring us all one step closer in the wrong direction, unless you're a fan of nulcear war that is?!
The ships are there supposedly for a training mission with Iran's longtime ally Syria. Hahaha isn't "training mission" the term we use in our military to cover-up bullsh*t too hahaha what a great world!!!
Monday, February 21, 2011
New Update on the Democratic Uprising in Libya.
During his speech on Libyan TV on Sunday, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's son, Saif al-Islam, raised the spectre of civil war in Libya in the event of the anti-regime demonstrations continuing, with members of different tribes "killing each other in the streets".
Is that Russian Strongman Putin?!
Whats he doing in Libya??!!
BP Gulf Oil Spill Disaster Continues!
image provided by ngoilgas.com
So it would seem that the geniuses behind the so-called "Magic Oil Eating Microbe" need to go back to the drawing board because the stuff ain't working!
In a statement from University of Georgia Professor Samantha Joyce she claims that,
"Magic microbes consumed maybe 10 percent of the total discharge, the rest of it we don't know," Joye said, later adding: "there's a lot of it out there."
This is an absolute disaster for the Gulf Coast and a continuing PR nighmare for British...oops I mean 'Beyond Petrolium'.
The bad news just doesn't seem to end for the Gulf Coast, check out the impact of industrial fertilizer run-off and the ecological deadzone it has created
Prof Samantha Joye's website
So it would seem that the geniuses behind the so-called "Magic Oil Eating Microbe" need to go back to the drawing board because the stuff ain't working!
In a statement from University of Georgia Professor Samantha Joyce she claims that,
"Magic microbes consumed maybe 10 percent of the total discharge, the rest of it we don't know," Joye said, later adding: "there's a lot of it out there."
This is an absolute disaster for the Gulf Coast and a continuing PR nighmare for British...oops I mean 'Beyond Petrolium'.
The bad news just doesn't seem to end for the Gulf Coast, check out the impact of industrial fertilizer run-off and the ecological deadzone it has created
Prof Samantha Joye's website
Saturday, February 19, 2011
GOP Controlled House to strip Federal Funding from Planned Parenthood
This is outrageous! Granted that the government already does not fund a majority of abortions and Planned Parenthood is the nation's largest provider of the fetal evacuation procedure.
However, Planned Parenthood offers much more than simply abortions. It provides birth control, STD testing, AIDS screening and a host of other important sexual health applications.
The GOP has its wires crossed on this one. Sure I don't want to pay for people's abortions, but they should have been on birth control in the first place! Yes, yes I know certain extreme cases such a rape or incest abortion is a much more justifiable option. The GOP is basically saying: DON'T HAVE ABORTIONS AND DON'T BE ON BIRTH CONTROL, BUT DON'T HAVE MORE CHILDREN WTFFFFFFF!
So whatever, cut spending on abortions, but leave the rest alone especially birth control! We already have enough people in the world!
NASA Expert moving into private space flight research!
Dr. Feng Hsu recently shared his assessment of the risks in getting the new civilian space travel industry off to a safe, successful liftoff.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/02/19/prweb8144899.DTL#ixzz1EQU9bW8v
This is very exciting! Just one more step closer to private space flight!!!
Check out these for more!
84 People Killed As Libya Security Forces Clash with Protestors
Eighty four people were killed; their crime: Demanding freedom and justice!
Security forces in Libya have killed scores of pro-democracy protesters in a crackdown on demonstrations against Muammar Gaddafi, the country's long time ruler.
Security forces in Libya have killed scores of pro-democracy protesters in a crackdown on demonstrations against Muammar Gaddafi, the country's long time ruler.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Internet Killswitch in America?! Impossible or probable?
GOP lawmakers have made it clear that they do not support the FCC's new rules and regulations regarding net neutrality. An interesting dilema here...
Should the FCC be scrapped?
Should the Internet be regulated?
Where do you stand on Net Neutrality?
GOP lawmakers have made it clear that they do not support the FCC's new rules and regulations regarding net neutrality. An interesting dilema here...
Should the FCC be scrapped?
Should the Internet be regulated?
Where do you stand on Net Neutrality?
New Sci/Tech News
President Obama joined several important CEOs of the tech industry for dinner in San Francisco, including such household names as Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg.
Pro Democracy Movement ignite the Middle East and Northern Africa
As I'm sure everyone knows by now (unless you live under a rock or in the forest) the political demonstrations across Egypt have quelled a bit, but now the democratic fire seems to have spread.... to Yemen, Libya, Iran (always the problem child) as well had a host of other nations.
Is this a sign that the turbulent Middle East is at last waking up to democracy after thousands of years of aristocratic and imperial rule?
Is this a religious revolution the likes of which we saw over 30 years ago in Iran? Will the Arab world unite under the singular banner of dispelling all westerners from their ccoutries?
All of this questions are important to the future stability of this area of the world as well as the future of internation relations with the OPEC nations and the West.
Tell me your thoughts....
Is this a sign that the turbulent Middle East is at last waking up to democracy after thousands of years of aristocratic and imperial rule?
Is this a religious revolution the likes of which we saw over 30 years ago in Iran? Will the Arab world unite under the singular banner of dispelling all westerners from their ccoutries?
All of this questions are important to the future stability of this area of the world as well as the future of internation relations with the OPEC nations and the West.
Tell me your thoughts....
Senate Fellowship Application Sent Out!!!
After nearly a year of prep, I finally sent out my application for the Senate Fellows Program in Sacramento, CA.
If you are interested in the field of Law, Politics, Journalism, Social Work etc. I would highly recommend checking out the site:
just don't do it this year, I don't need competion; it's tough enough already lol!
If you are interested in the field of Law, Politics, Journalism, Social Work etc. I would highly recommend checking out the site:
just don't do it this year, I don't need competion; it's tough enough already lol!
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